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20 Things 2020 Taught Us!

Goodbye 2020...
31 Dec 2020, 12:13 PM

Main image via Medium

So we’ve bid goodbye to 2020 and welcomed the new year, but hey… no matter how bad a year 2020 was, it surely did teach us something! 

We’ve summed up 20 things the past year taught us!

  1. To be more self-sufficient

All the cooking, cleaning and just being alone… 2020 really taught us all that we can survive alone. 


  1. To form a closer bond with your family

At the end of the day, family is really what matters the most. We’re glad that most of us had ample time to spend at home. 


  1. To appreciate the little moments

We want to be cliche for a bit. You know, the little moments? They’re not so little and we mean it. Just waking up and being grateful that you’re healthy and safe? That’s a pretty good thing to happen! 


  1. To protect the environment

We all saw how much the air and water in the oceans cleared after just a few months of us staying home. The pictures were all over the internet. That really taught us to appreciate the world we live in and more importantly, take care of it. 


  1. To be more hygienic

We all learnt the importance of health and hygiene. We think we’re more aware of our surroundings now and are always taking precautions, washing our hands and maintaining good hygiene. That’s a great thing 2020 made us realise!


  1. To appreciate solitude

This year really taught us to establish personal space and enjoy it. ‘Me time’? Anytime!



  1. To appreciate the internet

Oh what would we do without it? Thank you internet, for being with us and connecting our friends and families during this tough time.


  1. To learn a new hobby

If not for the pandemic, we’re usually always in a hurry to get somewhere, to meet people and we tend to overlook developing our passions and hobbies. Well, that progress happened at home this year, at least.


  1. To empathise

This year has been hard enough. We’re glad that it taught us to empathise people and be more kind towards them. 


  1. To support local vendors

With the impact the pandemic had on our economy, we all realised how hard it is to survive financially. So if you have supported a small business or bought from a local vendor, kudos!


  1. To slow down 

2020 has taught us to slow down and be a better observer… also, a better listener. It has mended many relationships as well. 


  1. To learn to co-exist

That one neighbour you can’t stand? That one cousin you hate? Well, the stay-home period has made us all more tolerant and patient, even with the people we don’t really gel with. So, yay!



  1. To value friendships

They say we’ll appreciate something more when we don’t have it anymore. And yes, we learnt to appreciate spending quality time with our friends before the pandemic and learnt to value their presence in our lives!



  1. Togetherness

2020 has taught us togetherness. We don’t mean it literally but we have learnt the importance coming together (from wherever we are) to reach a goal. In this case, it would be to fight against the COVID-19. So if you have stayed home and followed the SOPs like a responsible citizen, we are so proud of you! Together, we can #FlattenTheCurve. 


  1. To make self-care a priority. 

With more time in hand, we really got to take care of our mental health and think of ways to cope with it. 


  1. To be productive in your PJs

Working from home? We know just how hard that would have been the first few days… But eventually, we learnt to be more productive even at home, even in our PJs because work needs to be done, right? 


  1. To be tech-savvy

This one’s for our parents and the older generation who sometimes struggle with technology. With the pandemic and distance from family members, they really put some effort to learn how to video call and all! We are really proud of them!

  1. To be more creative

If the pandemic has made you a TikToker, a singer, a Youtube artist, a ‘chef’, a painter or just anything at all that you weren’t doing before the pandemic, good job! You’ve let your creativity flow freely.


  1. To see the silver linings

This year has also taught us to see the good in everything, even in bad times. It has made us kinder and more responsive towards a bad situation than just complaining about it. 


  1. To be hopeful

No matter what has happened, we’re all still looking forward to having a better year. Never lose that hope! 


Happy New Year! Let’s hope 2021 will be better!


By: Piravina Ragunathan

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