Main image via Pharo Heating and Cooling
It’s hot, you’re uncomfortable, and you’re sweating just from being alive; welcome to life in a tropical country folks!
Scorching as it may be outside though, all it takes is just a simple press of a button on your air-conditioner and you’re on your way to enjoying the cool air that spews out of that wonderful machine mounted on your wall.
Now all you got to do is avoid these mistakes when using the air-conditioner to ensure maximum comfortable without burning a hole in your wallet…
#1 Setting the air-conditioner to the lowest temperature
The lower the temperature the faster the air-conditioner cools the room, right? This a common myth that is actually untrue. Regardless of what temperature you’ve set, the air-conditioner will produce cool air at the same rate so you’re better off just setting it at the temperature that your most comfortable in.
#2 Letting in all the sunlight
We get it, sunlight is great, it lights up the living space and lifts the mood. But if you want to cool your room—and let it stay cold—without overburdening your air-conditioner then you’ll have to give up some sunlight by closing the blinds or drawing the curtains.
#3 Setting the temperature higher than what you’re comfortable in
Why do would you do that? Because you think that setting the air-conditioner too cold will make you sick. This of course is not true. Viruses make you sick, not cold temperatures. Although, cold temperatures can aggravate an existing condition.
#4 Installing the outside unit of your air-conditioner anywhere
You are of course free to install your air-conditioner wherever you want, but in order to maximise its cooling efficiency, it’s best that you install the outside unit of your AC somewhere that’s away from direct sunlight. Also make sure there aren’t any plants or objects blocking the airflow around the unit.
#5 Using a fan with your air-conditioner
You’re probably thinking that turning on the fan together with your air-conditioner will help make your room even cooler, but the truth is you’re just racking up the electricity bill for the same amount of cooling. That’s because a fan doesn’t actually cool the air, it simply moves it around.
Now, if you want to further reduce your electricity bill while still enjoying the cool comfort that an air-conditioner brings you then you’ll want to opt for Mitsubishi’s energy-saving MSZ-LN and MSY-JP series air-conditioners.

Built to premium quality (MEQ) standards, the MSZ-LN and MSY-JP series air-conditioners uses the latest technology that delivers high performance while lowering maintenance costs. These air-conditioners features Dual Barrier Coating that repels hydrophilic and hydrophobic particles to prevent dust and grease accumulation, and uses eco-friendly R32 gas.
The MSZ-LN series even comes equipped with the i-see sensor, a technology that allows the Mitsubishi air-conditioner to detect human, animals, and objects for optimal cooling.
For more info, visit
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