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If you’re someone who values privacy and the freedom to do anything you want, then having your own home would be a dream come true.
Let’s take a look at some of things you’d be able to do guilt-free when you have your own space:
#1 You have the freedom to sit with your kangkang legs like nobody’s watching
#2 You can drink milk straight from the carton and no one will nag you
#3 You have the freedom to paint the wall in your favourite neon colour
#4 You get to watch whatever you want on TV and not have to share screen time
#5 No one’s going to judge you if you eat ice cream for breakfast or pizza for tea
#6 You can have your friends over any time and not worry about getting permission
#7 No one’s going to care if you choose to wake up late and not brush your teeth
#8 You’ll have fewer dishes to wash—or reuse the same plate and cup over and over again!
#9 You can go to the bathroom and not have to shut the door
Whether or not you want to admit that you want to do all of these things—you know that they sound amazing. There’s nothing quite as freeing as having your own space, and with IOI Free Ownership campaign, paying for it just got more affordable!

Image via www.ioiproperties.com.my.
Enjoy flexible financing, rebates, extra rebates, and stamp duty exemption from IOI. Perks you can get include being able to defer differential sum for five years, get a minimum 10% rebate, stamp duty exemption on Memorandum of Transfer (MOT) and loan agreement, plus free Sale & Purchase Agreement (SPA) and loan legal fees!
This offer is valid until 30 June 2019 only, so click here to start picking from a range of projects and more information!
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