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It's Not Your Phone That's Broken, Instagram Is Experiencing A Glitch In It's System

It's a glitch!
07 Dec 2018, 10:56 AM

if youMain image via Daily Express

If you've been scrolling through Instagram and noticed weird lines and bars going through the post or story, we're here to tell you that no, it's not a filter. And, your phone's not broken too, it's just a glitch!

Instagram users around the world have been experiencing Instagram's latest glitch where strange grey or multi-coloured lines appear across posts and Insta-stories. AS reported by CNN Business, location and user tags on the platform also had "funky formatting and were illegible in some cases."

A spokesperson from Instagram spoke to CNN Business to say that they are "aware of this issue and are working to resolve it as quickly as possible." However, the company did not provide any additional information about the glitch.

It's important to note that the glitch does not affect all posts and Insta-stories. You'll still see normal, full pictures mixed in with some glitch-filled ones on your timeline.

 Instagram users took to Twitter to express their frustrations and amusements at the glitch problem.

So, don't worry, your phone's not broken, it's just a glitch!

Info via CNN

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