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Life’s Not Always Sunshine And Rainbows, But We Can Try To Be!

It’s World Mental Health Day!
10 Oct 2019, 05:58 PM

Main image via Twitter

“Rain rain go away, come again another day”

In reality, nothing can stop the rain. But are you going to rant about it or just enjoy the cozy weather while it lasts?

That’s what determines how you look at life. It’s all in the perspectives. If you have one of those days where you feel low and demotivated, you’re probably not taking enough care of yourself.

Here’s some types of self-care that are not necessarily ensured to make your day the best, but it’s ensured to not make it the worst.

1. Physical Self-Care

Getting enough rest is one of the most crucial things we need to do to feel good. Make sure you get 8 hours of sleep. Do some stretching and some light exercise every now and then to keep your body energized. You should also try to eat healthy and if you find this difficult, you can probably start by eating fresh fruits. A little effort goes a long way!


2. Emotional Self- Care

No matter how much you look good on the outside, if you don’t feel good inside, your day is still going to end badly. So make sure you’re emotionally balanced. If you’re feeling too stressed, try going for some stress management classes, or just talk to a friend. Practice compassion and kindness. You don’t have to big things to prove your kindness, things as simple as complimenting a stranger would really make a difference in your life. Try it!


3. Social Self-Care

Sometimes, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed, especially when you’re working and all you see the whole day are computers and people. If you feel it’s too much 

people time for you, take a break from your other social commitments. It’s really okay to say no to a meet up when you’re feeling under the weather.


4. Spiritual Self-Care

Well, when it gets too people out there, take some time off for yourself. Meditate, do yoga, or even practice writing journals. These can really help you to focus on yourself and you can also think of more ways to solve your problems because now you have them laid out.


Remember, love starts with yourself. Life is not always sunshine and rainbows, but we can try to be. If you still get through the day although you don’t feel well, you’re a survivor! We’re so proud of you!


If you know a friend who ‘s not been themselves lately, you might want to share these tips with them as well! There’s nothing to be ashamed of!

Happy World Mental Health Day!


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