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Netizens Share How They Found Love In Their 30s, To Comfort A Heartbroken Woman

Falling In Love Doesn’t Have An Expiry Date
22 Jun 2021, 07:05 AM

Main image via The Women's Weekly

Some people have their happily ever afters early in their lives and some have it really late, but that doesn’t mean anything and it shouldn’t define how you had lived your life. 

Like the saying goes, we all have different timelines and we shouldn’t let the ticking time stress us about our goals. 

After going through a heartbreak recently, a Twitter user asked people to share happy stories of those who dated and found love in their thirties. And to our surprise, it’s been retweeted about 10K times!




























Awww, these stories are really touching! We hope Kelsey feels better soon after reading these stories and to you who are equally stressed about finding the one, let us tell you that it will happen at the right time. 

Don’t worry about things you can’t control. 

By: Piravina Ragunathan

Info via StoryPick

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