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The Internet Shares Their Relationship Dealbreakers, And It’s Very Insightful!

Some of them are pretty clear, while others, pretty unique.
27 Jan 2021, 01:42 PM

Relationships can be very complicated.

Sometimes you think you’ve met the right person, perfect in every way, and no matter how much you love them, it just doesn’t work out!

the internet shares their relationship dealbreakers, and it’s very insightful!Photo via Step to Health

Maybe it’s a personality trait, the things they said, or their behaviour in public? Whatever it is, you just cannot look past it and decided that it’s best to just break-up than stay together. 

Well, people on Reddit were recently asked, “What opinion or behaviour would stop you from being romantically interested in someone even if they ticked every other box?”

What opinion or behaviour would stop you being romantically interested in someone even if they ticked every other box? from r/AskReddit

...and Redditors had a lot to share, and here are some of the best responses:

#1 Entitled behaviour

“People who act like the world owes them everything when they were raised with more than most people. People who deemed respect but treat others poorly”

#2 Being obsessed with social media

“A big one for me! Someone who documents their every mood and constantly seeks validation from others just comes off as desperate to me.”

#3 Someone who is a bad guest at someone else’s house

“Never offering to help with anything. Make a meal, do the dishes, take out the trash, nothing. It just shows how much respect they have for others.”

#4 Being rude to retail or service workers

“My grandpa taught me long ago: Someone who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter/ess is not a nice person.”

#5 Someone who litters

“Went on a hiking date with someone who littered. There was no second date. Don’t litter! It’s selfish and ruins the trails for everyone else.”

#6 Adult tantrums

“Would regularly yell and throw tantrums when frustrated. Not directly at me, just… general adult tantrums.”

#7 Bad hygiene

“I used to date a guy who only showered monthly because he thought your natural body oils was what kept you healthy.”

#8 Extreme materialism

“I admit that I do consider myself a minimalist, but if people can’t prioritize their finances because they need to live beyond their means, that’s not hot.”

#9 Hoarding

"I eventually realized that her deeply dysfunctional relationship to objects extended to the people around her. I was not an actual person, I was just another acquisition that was acquired and subsequently treated shabbily. I'm not sure if this is common, but I won't take the chance again."

#10 Not believing dinosaurs are real

“I met a guy who was a "young earther" or whatever they're called. Dude had a science degree and a job, but belonged to a cult that believed the earth is only 6,000 years old”

So, tell us, do you have a relationship dealbreaker that you’d end a relationship over?

By: Aishah Akashah Ahadiat

Info: Reddit, BuzzFeed

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