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This Cat Purr-formed ‘Mr Sandman’ And Now Every Cat Owner Wants Their Cats To Do The Same!

Gold content for feline lovers.
03 Jul 2020, 07:00 AM

Main image via Twtitter

Let’s not take the internet too seriously, we said, until we saw a cat dancing for ‘Mr Sandman’ and now we’re like…

... work can wait, this needs attention!

This video went viral on social media just for the fact that it is well choreographed and performed by the cutest cat ever! The cat’s owner, a Canadian high school student Jade Taylor-Ryan, made it impossible for us to just scroll this video without smiling.


According to Jade, creating the clip was actually simple. She put her phone on the floor and set a timer so that she could record it hands-free.  She then timed when her cat would appear in the frame, based on the beat of the music!


Despite the moves, Jade ensure that Ed was not manhandled in any way.

Little did they know that their video would inspire many other cat owners out there to perform 'Mr Sandman’.

Have a look at some of our favourites!

Pawsome! Do you think your cat is patient enough for this?

By: Piravina Ragunathan

Info via Mashable

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