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This Young Man’s Tribute To His Father Who’s A Cleaner, Is Heartwarming

Thank you, essential workers!
01 May 2020, 12:52 PM

Main image via Facebook

More often than not, we tend to overlook the little things.

While we’re queuing up to buy our groceries, there are security guards to ensure we sanitize our hands.

When you order in, there are food delivery staff out there to ensure you get your meals on time.

Your housing area doesn’t smell of rotten food, thanks to the rubbish collectors.

The corridors of your apartment are not dirty or dusty, thanks to the cleaners who maintain them. If your water heater doesn’t work, the plumbers are just a phone call away. The list goes on.

Point is, while we fuss about staying in, there are so many people out there risking their lives, wishing they could do the same.

Essential workers are not only doctors, police officers and nurses; blue-collared workers deserve the recognition too.

This post on Facebook made us all feel grateful for all that they do for us.

Syazwan Majid gave a touching tribute to his father, who is a cleaner and also one of the essential workers who have no choice but to go to work  every day.

This made us tear up!

Syazwan also mentioned his concern about his father being a senior citizen and risking his life being outdoors, but is proud of the old man nevertheless.


He added a reminder to everyone reading his post to stay in and not be ‘difficult’.

This Labour Day, we at MIX would like to wish each and every essential, regardless of what they do. Your service means a lot to us, no matter how small you think it is.

Happy Labour Day!

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