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Woman Receives Half-Eaten CNY Snacks In A Parcel!

Who ate it? We’ll never know.
08 Feb 2021, 12:30 PM

Main image via Facebook [Jessica Sammy]

Chinese New Year is around the corner and with the MCO in place, many families are planning their SOP-compliant celebrations. However, to keep the spirit of festivity, a mother sent some CNY snacks from Kuching to her daughter in Kuala Lumpur. 

Facebook user, Jessica Sammy brought it to her social media that she received the goodies with one half-eaten snack bottle of  crab-stick crackers!


She added that her mother individually sealed the cookies and snack bottles and that she also secured it with bubble wrap… so how did half of it mysteriously disappear?


woman receives half-eaten cny snacks in a parcel!Image via Facebook [Jessica Sammy]

woman receives half-eaten cny snacks in a parcel! Image via Facebook [Jessica Sammy]

While we’re unsure of what actually happened to the package, below are some of the conclusions netizens made: 

  • The workers opened it

  • The mother accidentally ate it 

Hmm, interesting. Some suggested that it’s better for us to take a picture of the packages before sending them out to anyone so that they can be used as proof in case things go wrong, like this. 

What do you think happened? Do you have interesting missing package stories? 

By: Piravina Ragunathan

Info via Mothership

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