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Asian Moms And Their Tupperware, Tell Us A Better Love Story We’ll Wait.

We don’t know if we should laugh or cry at this.
24 Jun 2020, 07:00 AM

Main image via MalayMail 

What force is stronger than Star Wars’ Jedi?

Asian mothers and their Tupperware.


A Facebook user named Mohd Fadli Salleh recently shared a story of how he nearly ‘lost his life’ and we’re not sure if we should laugh or cry at this.

One random day when he went to pick his son up from school, he learnt that his son had left his wallet in class. But like a cool dad, he thought it’s okay and they’d just take it the next day… because it was ‘far’ to walk to the classroom from the guardhouse.


On their way home, the son said that he also left his bottle and…. what happened next is a whole level of survival guide to ‘where’s my Tupperware’ death.

We think we’ll just laugh until we cry.

Fadli asked the son why he didn’t mention it earlier and he made his way back to the school to get the bottle because money can be earned, but bottles are life (at least for the wife).


Here’s the post that went viral just because there are so many people out there who can relate to it.

What’s funnier is that as the father and son duo went all the way back to take the water bottle, they saw another man with his son coming back to get the bottle his son left behind as well.

“It’s dangerous to mess with the female” his post read.

Many social media users laughed at the incident and shared their Tupperware experiences as well.

asian moms and their tupperware, tell us a better love story we’ll wait.Image via MalayMail

Anyway, we hope that this won't happen to Fadli again!

What would you have done if you lost your mom's Tupperware?

Info via MalayMail

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