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Did You Know That #MilkTeaHair Is The Latest Trend?

We wish some ‘boba highlights’ existed though…
26 Sep 2019, 08:39 AM

Main image via Allure

We’re unsure of which milk tea fan came up with this hair colour idea, but we’re pretty sure that every milk tea lover is going to love it!


Instagrammers have recently been posting and sharing this hair colour that appears to fall somewhere between the light brown to dark blonde spectrum, looking just the like the perfect colour of milk tea. The only difference is that of course.... you can’t drink it.

So far, we can see a lot of Japanese people trying out this colour. We won’t be surprised to see more Malaysians having this colour in the near future as well because… who doesn’t love milk tea?

Here are some of the posts from fellow Instagrammers:


· 🍭🔮🎆♠️ 6月ヘアカラー ♠️🎆🔮🍭 · いつもより白っぽくしてもろたー 金木研みたいな白は一昨年やったきり…前頭ブリーチはずっとしてへんからなー…🤔💭 · @next_ikebukuro 今回もいつものメニュー (*´︶`*)♡Thanks! #whitehair #color #silverhair #whitemilktea #milkteahair #bleachhair #池袋美容院 #池袋美容院カラー #ホワイトアッシュ #ハイトーンカラー #ミルクティーカラー #ホワイトミルクティー #白髪 #アッシュカラー #ホワイト #ダブルカラー #派手髪 #ホワイトヘアカラー #ブリーチ #ホワイトカラー #安定の色 #金木研 #東京喰種カフェ #カネキケン #派手髪 #派手カラー #派手ママ #神シャンプー #神トリートメント #ブリーチしてもサラサラに @vdju2nomix @flavornagoya

A post shared by T.T (@to82926) on


When it comes to hair-color trends inspired by beverages, it seems like coffee and wine have been monopolizing the name game. There's chardonnay blonde if you want to lighten up, and mulled wine if you like a dark-red look; cold brew is a pretty pick for brunettes, and iced mocha is a gorgeous way to get high-contrast highlights. It's about damn time tea lovers get a hair color named after their favorite drink — and it looks like colorists across Asia are making that happen. There's a growing number of Instagram posts coming out of Japan and Singapore labeled with the hashtag #milkteahair, indicating an undeniably gorgeous hair color named after (as you might have guessed) milk tea. Milk tea can mean different things to different cultures, but for the most part, it's always some combination of (again, as you might have guessed) tea and milk, and that's apparent from the shade seen in the photos. It's a beautiful, creamy beige — not too warm, not too cool, and falling somewhere between light brown and dark blonde. Colorists are putting their spins on it with varying levels of richness, with some creating ombré looks that go from warmer to cooler or even topping off darker brunettes with a milk-tea hue on the ends.

A post shared by verobellahairsalon (@verobella6099310332) on

See the resemblance? 

Well, here are some more...


#milkteahair 感觉看不出来milktea了…

A post shared by EvaFan (@evafan0903) on


🏹 . . . silky milktea blond . . . . 誰もが憧れる "ブロンドヘアー" . . 日本人の黒髪では 到底出せない 柔らかと立体感 . . . そんなブロンドヘアーを 叶えられるのが . 〔〔 highlight color 〕〕 . . たくさんの 細かいハイライトを 繊細に髪全体に入れることで ⚪︎やわらかさ ⚪︎透明感 ⚪︎パサついて見えない明るさ 日本人でも叶えます🌟🌟 . . かきあげて、 むすんで、 . 指をさっと通すと どんどん見えてくるハイライトは とってもセクシーです💋💋💋 . . 外人風ヘアーに憧れる方は ぜひ私にご連絡ください💜 . . . . あなたに似合うカラーみつけます🦋 . . . . . 場所:kakimotoarms青山店 日時:Free . 時間帯や日にちは日によって異なりますのでご気軽にご相談ください💡 . . ご連絡はInstagramのDMにて承ります . . . #hairstyle #haircolor #hair #bob #shorthair #midiamhair #longhair #milktea #beige #milkteahair #gradation #ミルクティーベージュ #ヘアカラー #ハイライト #ブリーチ #ブリーチハイライト#ヘアスタイル #モデル #モデル募集中 #ヘアケ#パーソナルカラー #外国人風カラー #外国人風ヘアー #美容室 #表参道 #kakimotoarms #instagood #instalike #tomokalor

A post shared by Tomoka / kakimotoarms 青山店 (@tomoka__kodama) on


奶茶色成就達成 #第一次染髮 #selfie #milkteahair #brownhair

A post shared by H.Y. Saras Lin (@hysaraslin) on

Is this your new favourite colour?

Info via Mothership

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