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Friend Dedicates Poem to Penang Bridge Accident Victim

this is so heart-breaking…
23 Jan 2019, 09:16 AM

Main image via The Star

A friend of Moey Yun Peng, the Penang Bridge accident victim, dedicated a touching poem for his friend who passed. 

The friend, only known as Ah Yeoh on Facebook, posted the poem written in Chinese on Facebook as a tribute. 

friend dedicates poem to penang brigde accident victimImage via The Star

Yeoh said that they were supposed to meet up for tea together during Chinese New Year. 

The classmate, from Han Chiang High School, began the poem with “Rest In Peace, my classmate Moey”. 

From the poem, we can deduce that Moey was nothing less of a good friend, who was always cheerful and helpful. 

Yeoh also posted a picture of the two of them with the poem that ended with three hashtags, which serve to be a subtle reminder to all; “appreciate those around you”, “drive safely at night” and “avoid going out at night”. 

The poem, which also called for justice to be served was uploaded on Monday (21 January) and has got over 32,000 likes and over 7,000 shares among netizens. 

On Sunday around 2.54 a.m, Moe, in his SUV was hit by a car that lost control and plunged into the sea. 

The authorities have managed to recover the vehicle from the seabed, yesterday. 

May his sould rest in peace. 

Info via The Star

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