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Here’s A Compilation Of Tom Holland’s Blabbermouth Moments!

02 Jun 2020, 07:04 PM

Main image via Insider

“With great hotness comes great responsibility” – Spiderman

Unfortunately, our Spiderman doesn’t practice what he preaches sometimes. Tom Holland, who turned 24 yesterday is known for revealing major Avenger-related spoilers. So much so, directors Joe and Anthony Russo ensured that he didn’t get to read the scripts for Avengers: Endgame before the publicity tour.


Joe Russo once said that Tom has a ‘very difficult time keeping his mouth shut’, so he only gets his lines and that’s it.

Poor Tom but oh well, they’ve got to do what’ they’ve got to do.

Let’s go down memory lane- here’s all the times Spiderman has revealed major Marvel spoilers.

Dangled Under A Helicopter

This happened in 2016 after he debuted as Spiderman in Captain America: Civil War. During the LIVE Q&A session, when asked if playing Billy Elliot had prepared him for his role as the superhero, he went on about how much he likes doing his own stunts.  And then, he added, “There’s a few things that I couldn’t do. There was, like some time where they dangled my poor stunt double under a helicopter and dunked him in a lake” which possibly gave away a key scene. He clasped his mouth and said he’s going to get into so much trouble after that. How cute!


Got You Covered, Marvel.

During the press tour for Spiderman: Homecoming, Tom was asked if a larger character would be in play over the next couple of its franchise. And his response? “Yes, there is still a lot of room for Peter Parker and Spiderman especially to grow in the next two movies”. Point to note, Marvel hadn’t even announced the two movies yet.. Uh oh.


Spiderman In Space

During an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel’s show, the cast was discussing the fake scripts that they’re often given and Tom enlightened fans about how he read a ‘Spiderman In Space’ script, which he thought was fake but it was not. However, the problem was that fans hadn’t been told that Spiderman would be going to space in Avengers: Infinity War at that point of time. SPOILER ALERT!



The crowd is waiting in line for the screening of Avengers: Infinity War and there came Spidey to yell “I’m alive!” to all of them. That made the speculation that his character might be killed vanish into thin air. The worst part? He thought that the crowd has finished watching the film, when they were actually just about to start.


Doctor Strange And Spiderman

On the press tour for Avengers: Endgame, people joked about Marvel pairing Tom with Benedict Cumberbatch for interview just so that he could babysit Tom.  Doctor Strange has had his fair share of ‘revealing secrets’ moments on series such as Sherlock and his Star Trek movie. There were a few instances where Benedict put his hand on Tom’s mouth to stop him from revealing details… phew! Job well done, Doctor Strange!


We hope Tom’s finally learnt his lesson, but we’ll never know because now Tom himself doesn’t have any spoilers to give.

Info via HindustanTimes

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