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Here’s The List Of Most-Used Passwords In 2020

Is your password on the list?
03 Dec 2020, 03:00 PM

Main image via ZDNet

Admit it, how many of you have set ‘123456’ as your password for at least one of your accounts at least once in your life?


Don’t worry, we’re not judging because we’ve done that as well. However, with the advancement of technology comes an equally advanced group of cybercriminals. So, the easy passwords we set only makes it easier for them to crack, and hack! 

Here’s the most commonly used passwords that take less than a second to for cybercriminals to crack! 

here’s the list of most-used passwords in 2020 Image via ZDNet

Well, this is not even half of the full list! 


Not only that, using a single password across different accounts also gives an easy way for the hackers to get hold of your personal details. 

It’s still not too late, change your passwords now if you feel yours is not strong enough at the moment. It’s always better to be safe than sorry. 

Here’s a few tips for you to create a strong password (hopefully unhackable)

  • Do NOT use common information like your birth dates, names and contact details. 

  • Use a mix of uppercase, lowercase and symbols 

  • Jumble the numbers up and try not to use them in order (eg: 123456) 

Oh, and last but not least, make sure you remember your own password! 


By: Piravina Ragunathan


Info via StoryPick

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