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This Quiz Will Determine How Asian Your Mom Is!

Try it, share it!
28 Oct 2021, 11:26 AM

Main image via Time Magazine

This quiz will help you find out!

Does your mom wake you up at 6am but say it's already "7am"?

"Every day go out. Is this a house or a hotel?" - One of your mom's dialogues?

Does she vacuum while you're sleeping?

Does she blame your phone for every possible sickness? - Eg: "Look at the phone some more lah, that's why leg pain"

Does your mom send good morning messages and forwards every inspirational quote or video to the family group?

Does she always mix your name up with your siblings'?

Does she assume every friend of the opposite gender is someone... special?

Does your mom turn a meme into a life lesson?

Is "You so young, why are you tired" one of your mom's famous dialogues?

Does she call your name out loud but doesn't say anything until you actually go to her?

Your mom's NOT so Asian!

Sorry, we can't relate. 

Your mom's SUPER ASIAN!

Welcome to the club! 

By Piravina Ragunathan

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