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Sons Advise Young Parents On How To Bring Up Boys

Take note, guys!
17 Jun 2021, 11:31 AM

Main image via HuffPost

Parenting is really like an English essay paper because everyone might write about the same topic, after reading the same books… but can they all get an A? 

It really depends. It’s very subjective and usually (although there are many books on parenting for dummies) people just go with their instincts at the end of the day because hey, parents should know best, right? 

A recent Reddit thread got us hooked as grown up men give out advice to young parents out there on how to raise a boy in this day and age. Here are some significant points they addressed. 

Teach them to be open-minded - Allow your sons to find their own interests and let them do what they like, instead of making them do what YOU think is best for them. Even if it means they like doing certain things that you think are “feminine”, let them try it and decide on their own. Who knows, maybe you’re raising the best tailor, chef or nurse in town! Believe in them.

Be present - We know everyone’s busy, everyone’s working but if you’re going to hand your child a gadget each time he seeks attention, you’re going to bring up a rather insensitive boy. As much as you want to provide for them, you should also learn to spend quality time with them. 


Let them be ‘boys’ - See, boys are going to be boys. They are going to wrestle, play rough or even try and do things that you find dangerous… but it’s important that you let them figure things out. You can tell them why it can be dangerous. However, don’t immediately stop them from exploring things they want to or chances are that they’ll grow up to be rebellious.


Teach them responsibility and consent - This is very important. Teach them to be responsible for their own actions. Also, teach them consent so they don’t grow up to be bullies OR get bullied. 


Don’t try to find yourself in them - Even if they’re your blood and flesh, they’re still an individual with feelings and wants of their own. Don’t make them do or pursue the things that you wished you could. Stopy the cycle. Let them live the life they want to. 


Well, what do you think of these responses from redditors? Thoughts? 


By: Piravina Ragunathan

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