A recent study has revealed that single women experience greater happiness and life satisfaction compared to single men. Experts weigh in on why this trend is emerging. New research published in Social Psychological and Personality Science suggests that women are thriving in their singlehood more than men.

A study of nearly 6,000 single adults, including men, women, and a small percentage of non-binary individuals, examined satisfaction with relationship status, life fulfillment, sexual fulfillment, and desire for a partner. The results found that women reported higher happiness and well-being than men, challenging the stereotype that women are uniquely unhappy being single.
Why Women Are Embracing Single Life
Michelle Garraway, CEO of the Relationship Agency, noted that women approach personal growth differently, often seeking therapy for self-understanding and healing, while men do so less frequently. Clinical psychologist Tracy Dalgleish agreed, adding that women not only focus on their own healing but are also expected to support their male partners emotionally.
Age and Happiness
Interestingly, the study revealed that older single men tend to be happier than younger single men. This aligns with previous research showing that people generally become more content with long-term singlehood after the age of 40.

The Power of Social Connections
Women’s strong social support networks contribute to their happiness in singlehood, as they prioritize connection and seek support when coping, unlike men, who are often encouraged to be autonomous. Psychologist Tracy Dalgleish noted that this difference starts in childhood, shaping emotional habits in adulthood.
Michelle Garraway added that emotional independence also plays a role, as women are more skilled at processing emotions, while men have not been encouraged to develop emotional intelligence, making it harder for them to navigate feelings.
Relationships: More Rewarding for Men Than Women?
Garraway believes heterosexual relationships often benefit men more than women, with inequalities like uneven household labor contributing to women’s happiness in singlehood. Dalgleish noted that dating expectations have also shifted, with many seeking emotionally intelligent, financially stable partners—qualities that are rare to find in one person.
As more women achieve financial independence and prioritize personal and professional growth, they are less willing to enter relationships that require additional emotional labor.
Navigating Singlehood: Expert Advice
Dalgleish encourages singles to focus on personal fulfillment, emphasizing that happiness comes from engaging in meaningful aspects of life, such as friendships, hobbies, and personal growth. Garraway adds that embracing independence and building a fulfilling life first can lead to both greater enjoyment in singlehood and attracting a compatible partner.
Researchers acknowledge the study’s limitations, including its predominantly white, heterosexual sample with an average age of 31 and lack of marital history data. Still, the findings challenge outdated stereotypes and shed light on the evolving dynamics of modern relationships.
Source: CTV News