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Teh Tarik Carbonara Pasta Might Be A New Trend!

Judging by the picture, we don’t hate it.
26 Nov 2020, 07:01 AM

Main image via Mashable

Nobody can mess with Malaysians when it comes to food, unless they do it themselves. There is no boundary for creativity and that’s why we always see people coming up with weird food combinations… If you’re yet to try Dalgona coffee, drop the idea because we’ve got a better suggestion.

Now, we’d like to present Teh Tarik Carbonara pasta. It may sound weird, but it looks really good!

teh tarik carbonara pasta might be a new trend!Image via Mashable

This Instagram user posted a video of himself making this new food combo and we don’t know where he was rushing to, but we can feel the adrenaline rush.  Watch it for yourself.


Carbonara Teh Tarik Kurang Manis Spaghetti Teh Tarik Kurang Manis @bohteamalaysia Sos carbonara Capsicum Cendawan Cheese Bawang holland Bawang putih Pepperoni Udang Parsley Black pepper Okay guys menu ni aku buat sendiri menggunakan Teh Tarik Kurang Manis dari @bohteamalaysia, aku gantikan cooking cream & milk kepada Teh Tarik, ya Allah sumpah sedap sangat rasa teh & susu dari teh tu well blend dengan gravy & spaghetti. Korang boleh try nanti. Okay guys untuk bahan bahan capsicum, cendawan, beef pepperoni semua tu kene potong cantik2 okay utk kita masukkan dalam masakkan kita. Ambik 3 peket BOH Teh Tarik Kurang Manis & bancuh utk kita masukkan nanti. Masukkan bawang holland & bawang putih yang telah dipotong dadu atau dicincang kasar kedalam kuali tumis menggunakan minyak zaiton. Bila dah naik bau masukkan beeef pepperoni, capsicum & udang tunggu sehingga udang bertukar warna masukkan black pepper & baru masukkan cendawan. Selepas itu masukkan instant carbonara sos & masukkan bahan utama iaitu BOH Teh Tarik Kurang Manis, masukkan sukatan air teh tu mengikut selera masing2. Kalau nak cair masuk banyak ok. Selepas itu masukkan cheese cheddar sekeping dua & untuk bau lagi sedap masukkan parsley yg telah dipotong halus & last sekali masukkan spaghetti yang telah direbus lepas tu kau gaul gaul dah siap. Makan makan hmm shoshedap shoshedap tiberr. Selamat mencuba! #BOHTea #adaBOHadaUmmph! #BOH #ashhmasak #spaghetticarbonara #shoshedap

A post shared by Ashhryshoshedap (@ashhryyyyy) on

It does look inviting and if you’re both a teh tarik and a carbonara pasta person, you might want to try this out and let us know how it tastes like!

But if it turns out bad, don’t blame us bulak please.

Info via Mashable

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