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These Teas Can Help Calm Your Mind For A Good Night’s Sleep!

Are you a tea lover? You may fall in love with one of these!
04 Jun 2021, 02:17 PM

Main image via Medical News Today

Sleep disorder can be a real pain, especially if you’re a working adult, or a parent. With a lot going on in you to-do list, the last thing you’d want to have is no sleep. 

If you find it hard to sleep at night, we may have a solution for you! Studies online say that these 6 types of teas would help one to have a more relaxed, and a good night’s sleep. So, let’s check them out? 


Chamomile Tea 


these teas can help calm your mind for a good night’s sleep! Image via Healthline


Chamomile tea is said to be a natural remedy to reduce inflammation. It also helps to reduce symptoms of anxiety and treat insomnia in the long term. Chamomile is commonly regarded as a sleep inducer due to an antioxidant found in it called apigenin. 



Valerian Root 

these teas can help calm your mind for a good night’s sleep!Image via Medical News Today


This is a herb that you can add in your tea anytime you like. It’s used to treat problems like insomnia, nervousness and headaches. It is very popular in Europe and the United States. The Valerian root comes in capsules, liquid and also dried tea form.




these teas can help calm your mind for a good night’s sleep! Image via Healthline

Aah, lavender… need we say more? We see this everywhere. In candles, car perfumes, air fresheners and etcetera. This herb is most talked about for its aromatic and soothing scent. 

The tea which is made from the small buds of the flowering plant is said to relax, settle your nerves and help you to sleep better. 

Anything Citrus-y!


these teas can help calm your mind for a good night’s sleep! Image via Pinterest


Lemon balm tea belongs to the mint family and the citrus smell is really good for reducing stress and improving sleep. Hence, any citrus-smelling tea would be a good choice for that matter. 

Passionflower Tea 

these teas can help calm your mind for a good night’s sleep! Image via Pinterest


If you love some sweet grassy smelling tea, this one might be the perfect fit for you. Passionflower tea is made from the dried leaves, stem and flowers of the Pssiflora plant. 

Drink a cup before bed and you’d sleep better, study says. 

Magnolia Bark

these teas can help calm your mind for a good night’s sleep!Image via Verywell Health

This tea is made mostly from the bark of the magnolia plant. It’s traditionally used in Chinese medicine to treat many symptoms including abdominal discomfort, nasal congestion and stress. 

It’s also famous for anti-anxiety and sedative effects.The sedative effect comes from a compound found in the stems and bark of the plant called honokiol, which is said to modify the Gamma amynobutyric acid (GABA) receptors in our brains. It promotes sleep.


Times are hard, so let’s make our lives easier. Whenever you just can’t fall asleep, stop counting sheep.. Just sip your tea and sleep stress-free! 

By: Piravina Ragunathan

Info via HealthLine

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