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CAAM: Be Careful!

Apr 18, 2024

caam: be careful!

The Civil Aviation Authority has issued safety information regarding the volcanic ash hazard warning in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. 

It explained that the eruption resulted in the formation of ash clouds, which poses a risk to aircraft safety.  

As such, it's reminding passengers to stay informed about the situation and to keep up to date about their flight schedules with their airlines.  

Hordes of people are stranded at the KLIA after flights to Sabah and Sarawak were cancelled earlier today.  

This, after Mount Ruang erupted several times this week. 


Opposition leader Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin has welcomed the government's decision to allocate funds for opposition MPs. 

Earlier, DPM Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof revealed that the unity government's leadership council met yesterday and agreed in principle to channel allocations. 

This, after the DPM held discussions with the opposition over the matter in March.


Prince Harry has officially changed his country of residence from the UK to the US.  

This comes four years after stepping down from his royal duties and heading to California for a new life.  


Social media giant Tik Tok has rolled out 'Tik Tok Notes', which will allow users to share photo posts.  

The app is seen as Instagram's direct competitor and is currently undergoing limited testing exclusively in Australia and Canada. 



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