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Sabah, Sarawak Flights Resume After Volcano Disruption

Apr 19, 2024

sabah, sarawak flights resume after volcano disruption

Airlines have started resuming some of their flights between KL and Sabah and Sarawak…which were cancelled earlier yesterday due to the Mount Ruang volcanic eruption in Indonesia.

The Civil Aviation Authority says operations started from around 7pm.

Passengers, however, are advised to check with their respective airlines about their latest flight status.

This, after Met Malaysia earlier said that the ash cloud from the volcano has so far not affected the air pollutant index reading for Sabah and Sarawak.


There was an over 100 percent increase in scam calls in 2023…compared to the year before.

According to data from a caller ID app…over 1.6 million scam calls were detected among Malaysian users last year…up from 2022’s figure of over 812 thousand.

Worryingly…of this figure, 10 percent still chose to answer these calls…even though they were tagged as scams.


More men have been coming forward to report sexual harassment.

The Women, Family and Community Development Minister says more than a thousand such complaints, involving men of various ages, were lodged with the ministry since last year.


And, India will head to the polls from today in what is the world’s largest general election.

An estimated 969 million eligible voters will be casting their ballots over the six-week election period.

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