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Keep Young Kids Off Social Media

Apr 22, 2024

keep young kids off social media

Parents have been reminded to ensure that kids under 13 are not allowed to sign up for social media accounts.

Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil says most sites don’t allow underaged kids to sign up anyway, but parents and guardians should also play their part to make sure kids are not finding loopholes to get on these platforms.

He also warned that authorities will shut down these accounts, if it comes to their attention.


The Health and Education Ministries are working on a joint SOP for outdoor activities in schools.

This is to prevent any more untoward incidents, following the death of a 14-year-old student last week, while participating in a cross-country event.

Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad says the incident shows a need for a clear and comprehensive set of guidelines for all parties to follow.


The government is ready to help companies who want to introduce flexible work arrangements for their employees.

The Human Resources Ministry says its prepared to offer consultation services for employers who don’t know how to get started.


The Defense Ministry says its ready to deploy soldiers to the Middle East to help handle the security of Malaysian students there…amid the Israel-Iran conflict.

For now, however, the ministry says there’s been no request for such assistance.


The Home Ministry says Malaysia needs time to consider having a joint visa with our ASEAN neighbours, similar to the European Union’s joint-visa initiative.

The proposal was recently tabled by Thailand to attract more foreign visitors to the region.


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