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Restaurant Group Defends 24-Hour Eateries

Apr 24, 2024

restaurant group defends 24-hour eateries

The Muslim Restaurant Operators Association has rubbished suggestions, that 24-hour restaurants are a leading cause of Malaysians’ poor health.

It says there are many other factors at play, including an individual’s habits and lifestyle.

In fact, the association says NGO’s should instead turn their attention towards stopping the 24-hour sale of alcoholic beverages…which it feels is more detrimental to health and safety.

It said this after a consumer group recently called for a ban on 24-hour restaurants…to stop late-night eating among Malaysians.


In a separate development, the Kedah government has directed all night market traders to stop operations for several minutes before and after Maghrib…to give Muslims time to pray.

Reports say the directive will come into effect next month.


Malaysia is seeing a sharp increase in its ageing population.

Cabinet Minister Datuk Seri Alexander Nanta Linggi – who is also the Malaysia chairman of the Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development – says more than 11 percent of our total population now consists of those aged 60 and above.

He says this could affect the country’s development…since a significant portion of the population is entering retirement and will require more care.

This, after the United Nations recently projected that those aged 60 and above will make up 15 percent of our population by the year 2030.


The Defense Minister says the interim report into yesterday’s twin helicopter crash in Lumut will be expedited.

Meanwhile, the post-mortem on the 10 victims is scheduled to be completed this afternoon.

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