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Can't Speak BM? You Can Still Get A Passport

Apr 24, 2024

can't speak bm? you can still get a passport

Immigration Department staff CANNOT reject passport applications simply because the applicants are not fluent in Bahasa Melayu.  

The Department's Director General said immigration officers can carry out random checks on various sections of the applications. 

However, they must be conducted professionally and courteously. 

He was commenting on a recent social media post, claiming that a woman in Penang had her passport renewal application blocked because she couldn't speak the language. 

The Immigration chief adds that her passport has since been renewed.  


The Perlis Menteri Besar has confirmed that the MACC arrested his son recently.  

Mohd Shukri Ramli says he will leave it to the anti-graft agency to conduct their investigation...  

Earlier reports said the MB's son was one of 6 people remanded to help investigations into a case of producing falsified documents to make RM600,000 in claims. 


KL police say a decision will be made next month on whether to charge 10 people linked to the Israeli national who was recently arrested on weapons charges. 

So far three people have been taken to court over the case, including the Israeli man.  


Separately, the alleged gunman in the recent KLIA shooting has pleaded NOT guilty at a court in Kelantan on 7 charges, including for firearms possession.    

He is also facing further charges at a court in Sepang. 

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