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EPF Unveils Flexible Account

Apr 25, 2024

epf unveils flexible account

Starting May 11th, EPF contributors will have their contributions split into three accounts.  

This, due to the introduction of the Flexible Account, which can be accessed at any time.  

Under the new system, 75% of your monthly contributions will be channeled into your main retirement account, which is Account 1.  

15% will be allocated for Account 2, or Akaun Sejahtera, and the remaining 10% is for the Flexible account.  

The EPF says your current savings in Accounts 1 and 2 will remain, and the new Account 3 will start with a balance of ZERO.  

You are given a one-time option to divert a portion of your Account 2 savings into the Flexible account, and you have until the 31st of August to do so 


A group representing Indian restaurants operators is against the Consumers Association of Penang's call to ban 24-hour eateries.  

The Malaysian Indian Restaurant Owners Association says it doubts that such a move will do much to combat the problem of obesity. 


The suspect in the recent KLIA shooting has pleaded NOT guilty at a court in Sepang, Selangor on two counts of attempted murder and causing grievous hurt. 

This is in addition to the 7 charges he is facing in Kelantan, including for firearms possession.  


Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's family has confirmed that the former PM is in stable condition, after he was warded at the National Heart Institute for treatment. 

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