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No Hiding For Underperforming Civil Servants

Apr 26, 2024

no hiding for underperforming civil servants

There will be higher expectations on civil servants to perform when their new salary scheme comes into effect.

The PM warned that the new scheme is designed to not reward or recognize lazy or underperforming personnel.

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim also wants more women to be appointed to top positions within the civil service…saying the current number of women leaders does not reflect the female participation in the administration.


There was a bomb scare at KLIA yesterday, after a suspicious package came through the airport’s cargo complex.

The package contained a battery and wires, with writing on it stating that it was a bomb.

The bomb disposal squad subsequently detonated the device – which turned out to be a laptop – with investigations showing no signs of any explosives.


Perikatan Nasional has nominated Bersatu’s Hulu Selangor division chief Khairul Azhari Saut as its candidate for the Kuala Kubu Bahru by-election.


There are currently no areas nationwide under a level two heatwave alert…with 15 other locations in Kedah, Perak, Pahang, Kelantan, Sabah and Sarawak under the less severe level one advisory.


And, Harvey Weinstein’s 2020 rape conviction in New York has been overturned.

The state’s court of appeal ruled that the disgraced Hollywood mogul did not receive a fair trial…because prosecutors had called in unrelated witnesses during proceedings.

Weinstein, however, remains in prison, after being separately convicted of rape in Los Angeles.

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