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Lumut Crash: Govt to Ensure Welfare, Eduction of Victims' kids

Apr 28, 2024

lumut crash: govt to ensure welfare, eduction of victims' kids

The government assures it will continue to look after the welfare of the children of the Navy personnel killed in the recent helicopter crash in Lumut.  

The Education Minister says an action plan will be drawn up, to ensure that school-going kids will receive a proper education until they finish their studies.  

10 personnel lost their lives on Tuesday, when two helicopters collided and crashed during rehearsals for the Navy’s 90th anniversary celebrations.  

This, as the Navy marked its anniversary in a sombre setting, following the fatal crash.  

Meanwhile, the government says for now, there are no plans to ground other helicopters that are similar to those involved in the crash. 


Kelantan police say they have already recorded statements from 14 people, in their probe into a teacher who was accused of being a pedophile.  

Cops have also identified the individual who first made the allegation, and are currently waiting for a medical report on the victim.   


The Communications Ministry has ordered MCMC to step up its monitoring of social media, to ensure that no one plays up issues of race, religion and royalty during the upcoming Kuala Kubu Baharu State Assembly by-election. 

Meanwhile, the MACC has set up a 24-hour operations room for people to lodge reports about corruption issues during the campaign period.  


MetMalaysia says Kota Marudu, Sabah was under a level-2 heatwave alert yesterday after reporting temperatures of up to 40 degrees celsius for at least 3 straight days.  

A less severe level-1 alert was issued for 12 other areas in Perlis, Kedah, Perak, Pahang, Kelantan and Sabah.  


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