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Govt Denies Fuel Hike Report

May 05, 2024

govt denies fuel hike report

Image: Bernama

The government has denied foreign media reports of an impending fuel price hike.

Unity government spokesperson Fahmi Fadzil says the Cabinet has not even discussed the matter yet…and urged people to get information from credible and verified sources.

This comes after the report suggested that Malaysia is set to cut fuel subsidies by June.


There’ve been 118 heat alerts issued by the Met Department so far this year.

It told The Star that 30 of these were the level-two heatwave alert…where daily temperatures of up to 40 degrees Celsius can be expected in the affected areas.

Meanwhile, Pasir Mas in Kelantan is currently the only area nationwide under a level-two heatwave alert…with nine other localities in Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu and Sabah under the less severe level one advisory.


Separately, the number of flood evacuees in Kota Tinggi, Johor remains at around 300 as of this morning.

Local officials, however, say the water level of five major rivers in the district remains under control.


The country’s first Artificial Intelligence faculty will be launched symbolically this Friday.

The Higher Education Ministry confirmed this, saying the program aims to fulfill the needs of the industry… in line with the National Artificial Intelligence Roadmap 2021-2025.

The faculty is developed by UTM…with input and expertise-sharing from other universities as well.


The Civil Aviation Authority has confirmed a light aircraft crash near Sungkai in Perak yesterday…with the flight instructor and trainee both surviving with injuries.

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