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IGP: Stop Speculating On Recent Footballer Attacks

May 06, 2024

igp: stop speculating on recent footballer attacks

Cops have told people to stop speculating on the recent attacks targeting two Malaysian footballers.  

This, as the IGP refuted rumours, that the incidents were linked to illegal betting syndicates.  

He says so far, cops have not identified any links between the two incidents, involving Terengganu FC player Akhyar Rashid, and Selangor FC’s Faisal Halim.  

Akhyar was injured in a robbery in Kuala Terengganu last week, while yesterday, Faisal suffered burns in an acid attack at a Klang Valley mall.  


This, as cops obtained a 2-day remand order against the suspect who allegedly attacked Faisal. 

So far, they have taken statements from three individuals, including the victim himself. 


On another note, the IGP says authorities have arrested a 6th policeman, over a recent 1-million-ringgit extortion case.  

Authorities will also seek to extend the remand order of 5 other cops from the Commercial Crimes Investigation Department, who were recently arrested over the case.  

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