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US Sanctions Story Is Fake!

May 12, 2024

us sanctions story is fake!

Malaysia has NOT been hit with US sanctions.  

The Communications Minister says an article on the matter being shared on WhatsApp is fake.  

According to Fahmi Fadzil, the US embassy in KL has already issued a denial.  

Meanwhile, the Reuters news agency denied that it published such an article, which claimed that the country was sanctioned for being a state sponsor of terrorism.  


Pakatan Harapan has retained the Kuala Kubu Baharu state assembly seat in Selangor, after Pang Sock Tao won the by-election. 

Voter turnout was at 61% compared to the 75% targeted by the Election Commission. 

Meanwhile, PM Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has hailed the by-election win. 

He says it’s a clear mandate for the unity government to step up efforts to strengthen the economy. 


The Transport Ministry says it has never approved any fare-bidding system for e-hailing services.

Its minister has ordered the relevant authorities to look into the matter.  


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