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Another Fallen Tree in KL

May 13, 2024

another fallen tree in kl

Several vehicles are believed to have been damaged after a tree fell over near Jalan P. Ramlee, KL.  

According to reports, it happened during the heavy downpour there this afternoon.  

The incident happened close to where a large tree fell over along Jalan Sultan Ismail last week.  

In that incident, one person was killed, and two others were injured, while it also temporarily affected monorail services. 


Our high road accident rate could lead to us paying higher insurance premiums.  

This is according to UK-based Global Data, which said that accidents nationwide rose by 10% in 2023, to 598 thousand.  

The research house adds that an average of over RM15 million in motor insurance claims were paid out every day last year. 

It’s the highest level in 5 years.  


The Immigration Dept says a QR code system is being tested to help ease congestion at major entry points.  

According to its DG, the system is still in the early stages of testing, and the Home Ministry will announce further details in due time. 


Dewan Negara president Senator Datuk Mutang Tagal has been laid to rest in Miri, Sarawak. 

Mutang, the first indigenous Sarawakian to be appointed to the post, passed away last week at the age of 70. 


Zoo Negara says it’s still in talks with the Chinese government, to extend the loan of giant pandas Xing Xing and Liang Liang. 

The pair are supposed to return to China this year.  

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