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Waiting For The Right Time To Kick Off PADU

May 16, 2024

waiting for the right time to kick off padu

The government will not rush the implementation of PADU.

Economy Minister Rafizi Ramli says the system is ready to carry out various programs for the people, including targeted subsidies.

However, the government is waiting for the right time to begin, to avoid speculation and profiteering by irresponsible parties.


Residents of Selangor will need to prepare to separate their recyclable waste.

The Housing and Local Government Ministry says a ruling on the matter will be enforced soon, similar to the regulation that is already in place in KL, Putrajaya, Pahang, Johor, Melaka, Negeri Sembilan, Perlis and Kedah.


Speaking of Selangor, the state recorded the highest number of sexual crimes in the country over the past three years.

Bukit Aman adds that Johor follows closely behind, with population density and improved internet access among the factors behind the nationwide figures.


The National Landscape Department will enforce federal guidelines on tree management at the local council level, following several incidents of fallen trees in KL and Penang recently.


The Education Ministry says it has preparations in place ahead of the Southwest Monsoon...and wants all state education departments and schools to comply with set guidelines to face the drier weather.

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