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Ulu Tiram Attacker Not A JI Member

May 19, 2024

ulu tiram attacker not a ji member

The Inspector General of Police has confirmed that the suspect in the Ulu Tiram police station attack, was not a member of JI.

Tan Sri Razarudin Husain says based on investigations, the attacker was not involved in any terror group.

The IGP explained that the suspect had earlier been linked to JI, because his father had been a member of the group.

This comes after the Home Minister yesterday said the assailant had been acting alone when he struck at the police station on Friday morning.


Separately, two men have been arrested, for allegedly attempting to trespass into Istana Negara.

They were found with a machete inside their SUV.


The JPJ is cracking down on companies or individuals renting out their vehicles to foreigners who don’t have valid licenses.

This comes amid an increase in the number of road accidents involving foreigners, which is becoming a cause for concern.


There’s been a further improvement in the flood situation in Perak…with the number of evacuees at relief centers in the state down to just around 50.


The Communications Ministry says the government will provide high-speed fixed broadband internet subscription packages… for public schools, starting July.


And, elsewhere, Singapore has seen a 90 percent increase in weekly Covid cases…prompting health authorities there to take steps to ensure sufficient capacity at public hospitals.

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