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We Recent Security Incidents Random Or Coordinated?

May 20, 2024

we recent security incidents random or coordinated?

Police will leave no stone unturned in their investigation into the recent security incidents at two police stations, and Istana Negara.  

Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail says it's to determine if they were random, or part of a coordinated plot.

He also assured that cops will NOT compromise on issues related to public order and security. 

Two cops were killed in an attack at the Ulu Tiram police station in Johor 

Meanwhile in Penang, a man was arrested for allegedly attacking a policeman and trying to snatch his weapon.  

The other incident involved two people who were allegedly trying to trespass into Istana Negara. 


4 people will be charged in court tomorrow over a viral video that allegedly showed them cooking with a gas stove at a petrol station in Genting Highlands.  

They are facing charges of endangering the lives and personal safety of others,  

11 other people who were arrested will serve as witnesses. 


1,350 road crashes accidents were reported nationwide yesterday with 14 deaths.  

This means that 1,016 people have died in fatal crashes, since Police started releasing daily accident stats in mid-March.  


And PM Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has expressed his condolences to the people of Iran, over the death of the country's president and foreign minister.  

Similar messages were also issued by countries including India, Pakistan, China and Russia.  

The Iranian president, foreign minister and several others died when their helicopter reportedly crashed in bad weather in the country's mountainous northwest region. 

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