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A Very Expensive Instant Noodle Meal

May 21, 2024

a very expensive instant noodle meal

4 people have been fined RM500 each for cooking at a petrol station in Genting Highlands recently.  

This is after they pleaded guilty to charges of endangering lives and the personal safety of others.  

The four were among 15 people who were detained, over a viral video that showed a group of people using a gas stove to cook instant noodles while they were at the petrol station.  

The video was widely condemned online, because of the health and safety risks involved.  


Johor may demolish a now-abandoned religious school in Ulu Tiram, which was previously accused of recruiting militants and extremists. 

Officials say the state religious authority and police will consider tearing the facility down on security grounds. 

This, amid worries among some members of the community that it could be used by irresponsible parties or groups. 

The school, which was closed in 2001, is located on private land close to the home of the suspect who attacked the Ulu Tiram police station.  


Meanwhile, Singapore says it has stepped up its security measures as a precaution, following the incident in Ulu Tiram.  

Two policemen died and another was injured in the attack targeting the police station late last week. 


The Health Ministry plans to give the HPV vaccine to over 700 thousand female school students nationwide during the current academic year.    

They had missed out on getting the shot due to the COVID pandemic, which disrupted global supplies of the HPV vaccine, which helps protect against cervical cancer.   


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