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PM Announces Diesel Subsidy Rationalization

May 22, 2024

pm announces diesel subsidy rationalization

The government has agreed to a plan for the rationalization of diesel subsidies.

The PM says the initiative will begin with users in Peninsular Malaysia first, and will initially not involve those in Sabah and Sarawak.

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim explains that subsidies will be given to traders who use diesel-powered commercial vehicles, including bus and taxi operators.

This is in order to prevent a drastic increase in the prices of goods and services, once the rationalization comes into force.

The diesel subsidies would also continue for certain categories of fishermen, while cash aid will be given to eligible individuals such as small traders and farmers who own private diesel-powered vehicles.

The rationalisation programme is expected to save the government around 4 billion ringgit a year.


Meanwhile, Datuk Seri Anwar has also assured that firm action will be taken against anyone out to disrupt national security.

He says the relevant authorities have already met to discuss the matter…in the wake of the Ulu Tiram police station attack, and the attempt to trespass into Istana Negara.


Two tertiary students who were earlier remanded in connection with the Ulu Tiram police station attack, have been released.

Police say the investigation into five other suspects, all of whom are members of the attackers’ family, is still ongoing.


Separately, police say five of the eight fingerprints found at the scene of the acid attack on national footballer Faisal Halim, were incomplete…while the remaining three prints did not match anyone in the PDRM database.


CUEPACS is calling on the Health Ministry to set up a special team to monitor compliance and enforcement of the smoking ban at restaurants and eateries.


And, one person was killed, while dozens others were injured, after a Singapore Airlines flight from London to Singapore experienced severe turbulence.

The deceased – a British national – is believed to have died of a heart attack during the incident.

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