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SQ321 Turbulence: Nine M'sians Injured

May 23, 2024

sq321 turbulence: nine m'sians injured

Three Malaysians are currently in the ICU, after sustaining injuries on the Singapore Airlines flight that experienced severe turbulence on Tuesday.

The Malaysian Ambassador to Thailand assured that the three are not in life-threatening condition.

He adds that six other Malaysians have also been hospitalized due to minor injuries.

This, after the turbulence caused one fatality and dozens of injuries...and forced the London to Singapore flight to divert to Bangkok.


Police in Terengganu say they will wait for the state government to meet the owner of a private resort on the Lang Tengah island, before proceeding with investigations into allegations of a 'wild party' at the resort.

Cops add that they have yet to receive any report on the issue, which recently went viral on social media.


The Perlis MB’s son has pleaded not guilty to a charge of submitting false claims worth 19 and a half thousand ringgit.  

If convicted, he faces a maximum sentence of 20 years imprisonment and a fine.  


Separately, a former political secretary to ex-Home Minister Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainuddin has claimed trial to charges of accepting bribes in return for securing a government tender project. 


Ireland, Norway, and Spain have announced that they will recognize a Palestinian state next week.

At least 140 members of the United Nations already recognize Palestinian statehood -but not the UK or the US.


And UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has called for an early general election, which has been scheduled for July 4th.

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