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131,000 Crashes This Week!

May 26, 2024

131,000 crashes this week!

1,828 road crashes were reported nationwide yesterday.  

12 people lost their lives in fatal accidents.  

According to figures released by traffic police, nearly 12 thousand crashes happened across the country over the past 7 days, while there were 76 fatal accidents.  

Meanwhile, over 131,000 accidents and around 1,070 deaths were recorded since PDRM started publishing daily stats back in mid-March.  


The police investigation into claims that a teacher forced an 11-year-old pupil to stand outside in the hot sun as punishment has been sent to the prosecutor’s office for further action.  

Ampang Jaya police say the student allegedly suffered from heat exhaustion due to the incident.  


PM Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim says the government has NO plans to introduce new taxes that would only burden the people.  

Instead, his administration will go ahead with the implementation of a more equitable targeted subsidy system that meets the people’s needs.  

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