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Govt Announces Diesel Subsidy Aid Program

May 28, 2024

govt announces diesel subsidy aid program

The Finance Ministry has announced a diesel subsidy aid program, which will give out a 200 ringgit monthly allocation to eligible private vehicle owners as well as smallholders.

Smallholders must be registered with the relevant agencies…while for private vehicle owners, their info will be cross-referenced with the LHDN database to exclude those from the T20 group, and those who own new luxury diesel vehicles.

Applications for the Budi Madani program can now be made online.


Bukit Aman says there were over 86 thousand online scam victims between 2021 and last year, with losses amounting to 2.7 billion ringgit.

Of that number, more than 6% were senior citizens.

The cops explained that although the number of elderly victims was lower compared to other age groups, the losses they incurred were significantly higher.


The Women, Family and Community Development Ministry is calling on companies to hire more people with disabilities.

It explained that the ministry has helped more than 1,600 people with disabilities find employment so far, but that number still falls short of their target.


The Selangor Fire and Rescue Department has confirmed that no one was injured in yesterday’s fallen tree incident along Jalan Puchong...which damaged seven vehicles.

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