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Strict Vape, e-Cigarette Rules From This Month

Jun 09, 2024

strict vape, e-cigarette rules from this month

The use of vapes and electronic cigarettes will be strictly regulated starting this month. 

The Health Minister says this will happen once the Control of Smoking Products for Public Health Act comes into force. 

He adds the government is willing to consider banning such products altogether, but this depends on the implementation of the new law.  

The minister adds that any debate on banning vapes must be done in a mature and democratic manner. 

Singapore already bans vapes and electronic cigarettes while Hong Kong is proposing a similar restriction.  


The government will look into the need to have yearly psychometric assessments for registered childcare providers. 

This, instead of doing the test once, when such workers enter the field.  

The Women, Family and Community Development Ministry says doing the assessments yearly effectively monitor their mental health and overall well-being. 

Psychometric tests evaluate workers’ personality, health, emotional competence and conflict management skills. 


A doctor who was arrested for allegedly molesting a teenaged patient in Perak has been released on police bail.  

Perak Tengah police say so far, no suspects or other witnesses have been called in for questioning, but they will continue to monitor the case.  

Separately, a music teacher in Melaka has reportedly been remanded for a week, after being accused of molesting a 16-year-old student. 


Denmark’s PM has reportedly suffered whiplash after being assaulted while walking in the city of Copenhagen. 

The alleged attacker has been arrested, but so far, a motive has not been confirmed. 

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