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No Sudden Price Hikes With Diesel Float

Jun 10, 2024

no sudden price hikes with diesel float

The government is confident there will be no drastic increase in the price of goods and services, now that the price of diesel has been floated.

Second Finance Minister Datuk Seri Amir Hamzah Azizan says its because the logistics sector, including buses and taxis, will continue to enjoy subsidized rates.

This, after the government announced that diesel will retail at 3 ringgit 35 sen per liter in the peninsular, starting today.


The Education Ministry wants a full report into yesterday’s bus and trailer crash in Rompin, Pahang.

This, after the tragedy claimed the lives of four people – including a teacher, a deputy principal and a school operations assistant – who were travelling with their colleagues on a work trip.

At least 10 other injured passengers are still being treated in hospital.


The Works Ministry has confirmed that the stretch of the Setiawangsa-Pantai Expressway near Jalan Cheras is safe…with no structural cracks detected.

This, after photos apparently showing cracks on the flyover went viral on social media.


The Johor Wildlife and National Parks Department says the four elephants that were found dead near Kluang earlier this month, died of respiratory and organ failure – with the exact cause still being investigated.


And, elsewhere, Narendra Modi has been sworn in for a third term as India’s Prime Minister following his party’s win in the recent general election.

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