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Is The Diesel Subsidy Good?

Jun 10, 2024

is the diesel subsidy good?

Economy Minister Rafizi Ramli has defended the government's decision to implement targeted subsidies. 

He explained that they're not removing the subsidy for fuel completely. 

Instead, they're just re-directing them.

Previously the subsidies were paid to a select few oil companies. 

But now, they'll be channeled directly to the people, especially those in need.


Malaysians can expect an announcement on the ceiling price of local white rice soon.

The Agriculture and Food Security Ministry says the proposal to increase the price will be finalized by October. 

The ministry explained that it's still currently discussing with several other ministries over the matter


Separately, the ministry is currently reviewing dairy products imported from other countries. 

It says it's trying to detect if there's any bird flu virus in the products, especially those from the US.

This, following growing concerns over the virus strain there

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