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Cops Probing Food Poisoning Case

Jun 12, 2024

cops probing food poisoning case

Selangor police will summon all those involved in giving out food at a recent school event in Gombak, which has been linked to two deaths from suspected food poisoning.

The caterer, event organizer and even teachers are among those expected to be called in.

Besides the two fatalities, some 82 others are reported to have experienced symptoms of food poisoning, after eating the fried noodle and egg dish.


The public are advised to temporarily remove their face masks when dealing with office and business premises.

The KL police chief says this is for identification purposes at the counter, and to help with investigations in the event of any criminal incident.

He adds that premise owners are also encouraged to install high quality CCTV cameras at the counter, to make facial recognition easier.


The government will consider expanding the types of vehicles eligible for targeted diesel subsidies under the second phase of the subsidised diesel control system.

The Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry says several parties have already submitted requests to be included.


The National Disaster Management Agency says there’ve been 96 cases of heat-related illnesses reported nationwide as of this past Monday.

Meanwhile, Kuala Krai in Kelantan and Mukah in Sarawak remain the only areas nationwide currently under a level-one heat advisory.


Joe Biden’s son Hunter has been found guilty by a US court, of lying about his drug use when filling out forms to purchase a handgun back in 2018.

He is the first son of a sitting US president to be criminally convicted.

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