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IGP: 100 GISBH-Linked Accounts Frozen

Sep 17, 2024

igp: 100 gisbh-linked accounts frozen

Police have so far frozen 96 bank accounts, linked to the company that allegedly has ties to the care homes where some 400 children were rescued from exploitation.  

IGP Tan Sri Razarudin Husain says it involved funds of around half a million ringgit. 

The IGP adds that screenings on the 400 had uncovered signs of physical and emotional abuse. 

They also found other criminal elements including child grooming and child labour, while some suffered from malnutrition. 

The IGP adds that 150 of the victims, aged 1 to 10 years old, are currently under the care of the Social Welfare Department at an undisclosed location.  

The remaining 243 children are currently being housed at PDRM's PULAPOL training centre, and will be moved to temporary shelters in stages. 


Meanwhile, a man caught on video assaulting a child in a GISBH-linked charity home is already in custody. 

According to Bukit Aman, he was one of the 170-plus suspects arrested in several raids at the company’s care homes in Selangor and Negeri Sembilan, and he has confessed.  


Penang authorities have confirmed the death of a 50-year-old woman, who fell drainage hole while hiking during a storm. 

The incident reportedly happened as heavy rains battered the state over the past few days. 

Meanwhile a heavy storm in Penang this morning caused dozens of trees to be uprooted. 

Two cars were damaged by the fallen trees but there were no reports of injuries. 


The Johor bus driver who’s accused of illegally recording underaged female schoolgirls has been released from custody after paying bail of RM40,000.  

This, pending his trial on three counts, of physical and non-physical child sexual abuse, and posting indecent online comments about a child.  


The Health Ministry has confirmed one positive Mpox case, involving a less severe variant.  

The patient, who had no history of international travel, is the only positive case among 58 suspected cases referred to KKM this year.  


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