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23 people injured in Sabah helicopter crash

Oct 04, 2016

8 pupils suffered minor injuries in this morning's helicopter crash at SMK Balung, in Tawau, Sabah. 

The Education Ministry says 6 of the pupils were allowed home after receiving outpatient treatment, while the other two will receive counselling for trauma. 

It has also ordered the school to be closed today and tomorrow, as authorities assess the damage to the school. 

According to intial reports, 3 buildings were damaged in the incident - the roof of a  3-story block, the canteen and a school hall that is under construction. 

In addition to the 8 pupils, a school janitor and 14 people on board the RMAF Nuri helicopter were injured in the crash. 

The ministry adds, the school's SPM candidates may take the exam at a different venue, if the hall is declared unsafe. 

Also, the Air Force has ordered a probe into the incident. 

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