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Malaysian Gets Last-Minute Stay Of Execution

Feb 20, 2025

malaysian gets last-minute stay of execution

The Singapore Court of Appeal has granted Malaysian prisoner P Pannir Selvam a last-minute stay of execution.

His lawyer says the stay was granted due to an ongoing legal challenge and complaint about the conduct of his previous legal representative.

Pannir, who was convicted in 2017 for trafficking drugs at the Woodlands checkpoint, had been scheduled to be executed today.


The government is stepping up efforts to fix potholes in the Federal Territories faster.

The FT Minister says all complaints about potholes must be resolved within 12 hours, down from the previous 24-hour time frame.

She adds that this will help boost road safety, especially as Malaysia prepares for its ASEAN Chairmanship this year and Visit Malaysia Year in 2026.

Meanwhile, the minister is also urging officials to look into using AI and real-time monitoring to address urban maintenance issues more efficiently.


In Penang, a Year 4 student is in critical condition after choking on an eye-shaped gummy candy, which he had purchased outside his school.

Authorities say his brain had been affected due to prolonged oxygen deprivation, and that doctors are closely monitoring his condition.


SUHAKAM says the government's move to review bail provisions under the Security Offences Special Measures Act, or SOSMA, is a positive first step.

However, it told the NST that it will continue pushing for the Act to be repealed completely.


The Malaysian Aviation Commission is reminding airline passengers that they can request a refund if their flight is delayed by five hours or more.

These changes are part of the Malaysian Aviation Consumer Protection Code, which was recently improved with this new provision, among others.

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